my test py.txt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Éditeur de Spyder Ce script temporaire est sauvegardé ici : /home/SCIENCES/thchatea/.spyder2/ """ import os import math import random import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import cv2 slim = tf.contrib.slim import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg import sys sys.path.append('../') #sys.path.append('/home/SCIENCES/thchatea/M_thchatea/python/polycompetence/SSD-Tensorflow-master/') from nets import ssd_vgg_300, ssd_common, np_methods from notebooks import visualization from preprocessing import ssd_vgg_preprocessing # TensorFlow session: grow memory when needed. TF, DO NOT USE ALL MY GPU MEMORY!!! gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options) isess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=config) # Input placeholder. net_shape = (300, 300) data_format = 'NHWC' img_input = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=(None, None, 3)) # Evaluation pre-processing: resize to SSD net shape. image_pre, labels_pre, bboxes_pre, bbox_img = ssd_vgg_preprocessing.preprocess_for_eval( img_input, None, None, net_shape, data_format, resize=ssd_vgg_preprocessing.Resize.WARP_RESIZE) image_4d = tf.expand_dims(image_pre, 0) # Define the SSD model. reuse = True if 'ssd_net' in locals() else None ssd_net = ssd_vgg_300.SSDNet() with slim.arg_scope(ssd_net.arg_scope(data_format=data_format)): predictions, localisations, _, _ =, is_training=False, reuse=reuse) # Restore SSD model. ckpt_filename = './checkpoints/ssd_300_vgg.ckpt' # ckpt_filename = '../checkpoints/VGG_VOC0712_SSD_300x300_ft_iter_120000.ckpt' saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(isess, ckpt_filename) # SSD default anchor boxes. ssd_anchors = ssd_net.anchors(net_shape) # Main image processing routine. def process_image(img, select_threshold=0.5, nms_threshold=.45, net_shape=(300, 300)): # Run SSD network. rimg, rpredictions, rlocalisations, rbbox_img =[image_4d, predictions, localisations, bbox_img], feed_dict={img_input: img}) # Get classes and bboxes from the net outputs. rclasses, rscores, rbboxes = np_methods.ssd_bboxes_select( rpredictions, rlocalisations, ssd_anchors, select_threshold=select_threshold, img_shape=net_shape, num_classes=21, decode=True) rbboxes = np_methods.bboxes_clip(rbbox_img, rbboxes) rclasses, rscores, rbboxes = np_methods.bboxes_sort(rclasses, rscores, rbboxes, top_k=400) rclasses, rscores, rbboxes = np_methods.bboxes_nms(rclasses, rscores, rbboxes, nms_threshold=nms_threshold) # Resize bboxes to original image shape. Note: useless for Resize.WARP! rbboxes = np_methods.bboxes_resize(rbbox_img, rbboxes) return rclasses, rscores, rbboxes # Test on some demo image and visualize output. path = './demo/' image_names = sorted(os.listdir(path)) img = mpimg.imread(path + image_names[-5]) rclasses, rscores, rbboxes = process_image(img) # visualization.bboxes_draw_on_img(img, rclasses, rscores, rbboxes, visualization.colors_plasma) visualization.plt_bboxes(img, rclasses, rscores, rbboxes)