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I joined Polytech Clermont-Ferrand (a graduate school of engineering) for teaching and Lasmea (UMR 6602, Blaise Pascal University,CNRS) for recheach in 2001, after obtaining a Ph.D (that you can download here) from the Blaise Pascal University where I worked with Pierre Bonton, Francois Collange, Joseph Alizon and Laurent Trassoudaine, and in collaboration with the Cemagref where I worked with Michel Berducat and Christophe Debain. Before that, I also obtained degrees from the same schools (Polytech Clermont Ferrand and Blaise Pascal University).Moreover, I have obtained the HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in september 2010, that you can download here. Lasmea became Pascal Institute in 2012. I Joined UFR Sciences department of Blaise Pascal University as full professor in September 2012 where I teach Automatic and Computer Vision. Moreover, I teach Computer Vision in Polytech CF and ISIMA (two schools of engineering) and in Robotics Research Master  of Blaise Pascal University. 

 My wife Sandrine and I are raising two wonderful kids, Gabin (born in 2002) and Lena (born in 2005).